ON THE 14th day of February, at 11 a.m., Biellier's Store-It-On-The-Farm Self Storage, located at 11225 Lawrence 1163, Mt. Vernon, Unit #409 leased by Jess Wright, at the time of sale all such...
Feed, Seed, Grain
BIG SQUARE bales brome hay. Big square 2nd cut fescue gamagrass. Big square teff. 4x5 round bales brome. 4x6 prairie hay. All horse quality. Also, good quality rounds cattle hay. Delivery...
HAY FOR Sale: 4x6 fescue/clover mix, $50. Dick Bushman, (417) 737-3800. (3-26-9tp)
Services Offered
FREE HAUL off old appliances & scrap metal. Exceptions for larger loads. 10 mile radius of Mt. Vernon & Miller. Call Bryon, (479) 601-6919. (4-23-12tp)
YOUNGBERG CHAPEL. Call (417) 498-6511. Scheduling weddings, celebrations of life, & family events. Sunday services 8:30-9:30 weekly. (3-26-10tp)
FRIEZE’S STORAGE: 10 sizes plus outside storage. Gated at night. Phone (417) 393-9662. (7-3-TFN)
GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: Small carpenter jobs, painting, power washing; driveways, decks, siding, fencing, decking. (417) 236-5477. (7-3-TFN)
CURBOW APPLIANCE Repair. All makes & models. Reliable, responsive, reasonable. Mon.-Fri., 8-5. (417) 236-0700. (7-3-TFN)
BE RIGHT There, LLC. Electrical & plumbing. Servicing 30 mile radius from Mt. Vernon. 25 years experience. (417) 337-0751 cell. (10-25-TFNAM)
COLOR COPIES just 85 cents at the Lawrence County Record, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Open 7:30...
TROUBLE SEEING THE PRINT? Enlarge those instructions, recipes or other items at our Copy Center. Lawrence...
Help Wanted
O'Reilly Auto Parts has the following multiple openings in Springfield, MO: Business Systems Analyst 2(#BSA2), Sr. Data Engineer(#OTS-DSE); Sr QA Engineer(#SQAE). All positions are eligible for...
HELP WANTED: The Lawrence County Record is seeking applicants for our Tuesday afternoon/evening inserting crew. Will be 3-5 hours per week, most weeks. Must be reliable, able to lift newspaper...
REPORTER WANTED: Squibb Media is hiring for the position of reporter to work for the Lawrence County Record & Greene County Commonwealth. To apply, submit a resume to...
THE LAWRENCE County Record is seeking applicants for a sales position. The job will be 20-30 hours a week. Applicants should be put together and personable. Must have basic computer skills. To...
Items for Sale
FOR SALE: Used office furniture, equipment, various supplies, decorations, desk, rolling chairs, side chairs, chair mats, tables, counters, carts, copy machines, file cabinets, pictures, fake...
FOR SALE: Heavy duty electric hospital bed w/mattress; Electric twin bed; Heavy duty battery powered wheelchair; Heavy duty steel safe. Call anytime (417) 536-4580. (2-5-4tp)
GUNS FOR Sale: 2 Ruger 357 Black Hawk Magnum; 1 Remington Premier automatic 12 ga. shotgun w/scope; 1 Browning lever action 243 w/scope; 2 muzzle loaders; 1 Ruger Mark 2 automatic pistol. Call...
FACTORY DIRECT Mattress. Now open in Monett. 209 3rd St. (417) 235-5681. (7-3-TFN)
COLOR COPIES just 85 cents at the Lawrence County Record's Copy Center, 312 S. Hickory, Mt. Vernon. (11-2-TFNncLCR)
RECEIPT BOOKS in stock, Lawrence County Record, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon. (6-6-TFNncLCR)
COMPUTER PAPER in stock. Envelopes & blank invitations. Lawrence County Record, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt....
FOR SALE: Lawrence County cemetery listings, census records, marriage records and other genealogical research...
RENT THIS LOCAL LANDMARK for your wedding, reception, party, meeting or other special event. Jones Memorial,...
WE SELL PAPER! By the sheet, by the ream or by the case. Copier, computer, resume, school projects. Stop by...
PUPPIES FOR Sale: Full blooded Beagle puppies. 7 weeks old, vaccinated. 3 brown/white males, 10 tri-color male & female. $150 each. Contact April at (417) 217-4410. (2-5-4tp)
NEEDED: Nonperishable foods for the community food pantry at St. Susanne Catholic Church. Your donations may be left at the church on Highway V, Mt. Vernon, or at the Lawrence County Record, 312 S...
NEEDED: Donations of new unopened packages of baby diapers for the community diaper pantry at First Presbyterian Church. They may be left at the church at Cherry and Market streets or Lawrence...
For Rent
All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination because of race, color, religion,...
HOMES FOR Rent, Mt. Vernon & Miller. 1 to 3 bdrm. homes. For information call (417) 461-0145. (9-12-TFN...
VILLAGE SQUARE Colonial Apartments, Mt. Vernon, Missouri. Inquire about availability. (417) 466-8481. (1-1-...
Want To Rent
WANTED: LAND for rent, minimum 80 acres. Call (417) 840-4494. (6-28-TFNnc)
Autos For Sale
SELL YOUR car with an $8 Extra classified. Call (417) 466-2185. (3-21-TFNncLCR)
Garage/Yard Sales
GARAGE SALE ADS MUST BE PAID BEFORE THEY WILL BE PUBLISHED. Garage Sales must include a town with the address/directions.
TWO FREE GARAGE SALE signs with your paid garage sale ad placed in the Extra, 312 S. Hickory St., Mt. Vernon, MO 65712. Open 7:30-5:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; 7:30-1:00 Wednesday....
Farm Services
SPRING RIVER Tractor & Combine Salvage. We buy salvage running or not. (417) 235-2233. (6-19-TFNAM)...
Lawrence County Record
312 S. Hickory St.
Mt. Vernon, MO, 65712